Making Futuristic lifestyle

Connect and control consumer electronics and appliances with beautiful apps.

Making We at Muditva smarter

We Make your products smarter with We at Muditva’s IOT Smart Products Platform.

We Are Muditva

Muditva's Internet of things Makes every product come to life and interactive.
We make everything accountable for you in your day to day life!

We believe in real-world connections, emotions, and experiences. We believe that the right IOT technology brought together in the right way has the power to make the most of that world. In the end, we don’t want to live in a digital world; we want digital connectivity to give us a better real world.

As the Most Comprehensive Collection Platform for Data from Millions' of Individuals, we've combined the Best Minds and Artificial Intelligence to Bring a New Understanding to Data Mapping. With Continuous Evolution and Optimization of Muditva' TI's Knowledgebase, the Computation methodology will Create the Intelligent Digital Guide, Providing Personalized Management System,
Recommendations both Small and Large.

You Give us One Piece of Text, and we Map out the Key Concepts of Text, Fetch you all the Most Relevant Published Research on the Topic on Present in visual Format Using AI Technology, Architecture, and AI Learning. We're Taking a Non-Semantic Topic Modeling model Approach.

We believe that every physical thing around us is coming to life digitally in some shape or form. From the cars we drive and the clothes we wear to the beers we drink and the homes we live in. we built the industry’s leading IOT Smart Products Platform in the cloud to do it.

Muditva's - Internet of Things (MIOT)

With Unique Combination of Expertise in Mathematics, Software, and Intelligence, Muditva has tried to connect all the products that we use to the web with its own unique features with real-time digital identity.

We call ourselves as industry experts because we believe that every physical thing around us is coming to life digitally in some shape or form. From the cars we drive and the clothes we wear to the beers we drink and the homes we live in. We built the industry’s leading IOT Smart Products Platform in the cloud to do it.

Elements and Portfolio

We create experiences that transform brands, grow businesses and make clients happy.
Working on big challenges in honest collaboration with our clients.

MI's Internet of Things

We at Muditva collect, manage and apply real-time data from smart products and smart packaging to drive IOT applications. We make it easy to build amazing and powerful new Web services and experiences using the live data flowing to and from physical things. Now any product can be more intelligent, more interactive, more trackable and more valuable by being connected to the Internet of Things. IOT comes with digital media connections, e-commerce transactions, and better service experiences. IOT comes with real-time business insights for inventory tracking, protection, and management. IOT comes with Muditva.


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Our Capabilities

All the IOT cloud features you need to connect your products to the Web and manage real-time data to drive applications.


Muditva IOT manages billions of intelligent IOT identities for your products in the cloud, giving each one a persistent, addressable Web presence. Use our flexible semantic data store to customize these dynamic data profiles (Active Digital Identities™) for any product so they can be interacted with by authorized applications and exchange data in real-time throughout their lifecycle..


MIOT's IOT brain for your smart products. Our Enterprise Rules Engine makes real-time decisions and triggers scripts with fully customizable workflows and notifications. Automatically log a new device activation in your CRM. Text an alert to brand inspectors if a product is tampered wit


Smarter products come with better insights. IOT data talks back to your business with real-time analytics letting you know how your product is performing, who your customers are, where they are, what they engage with, and how interaction drives sales. Use our powerful dashboard visualizations or your own Business Intelligence tools and KPIs.

Let's Get In Touch

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Muditva Industries Private Limited
+91 9100 071 585